4.0 法语 · 2023 · 法国 · 喜剧片
Pierre Gommé,Nina Poletto,芭芭拉·舒尔茨,Amy Purshouse,樊尚·莫斯卡托,Jean Lassalle,Jason Chicandier,Clément Barennes,Bernard Mas,Gaëtan Boudoux,Guillaume Balmes,Daniel Bottacin,索菲亚·菲力瑞斯,康迪德·桑切斯,Adrien Guitton,Céci
Janus is a young high school student who dreams of leaving his native countryside ravaged by isolation and alcoholism. His daily life changes when he discovers an artisanal distillery hidden in his grandfather's cellar.
4.0 英语,日语 · 1999 · 日本 · 动漫电影
栗田贯一,小林清志,纳谷悟朗,户田惠子,森山周一郎,千叶繁,青森伸 Shin Aomori,楠大典,岩田安生,坂东尚树,坪井智浩,樫井笙人 Kashii Shouto,横尾博之 Yokoo Hiroyuki,加濑康之,增山江威子,井上真树夫
鲁邦正与不二子共进晚餐,突遭不明人物袭击。奔逃中,不二子落下悬崖。待鲁邦找到时,发现她已经失去记忆…… 本作为鲁邦三世第11部TVsp作品,也是20世纪最后一部鲁邦三世动画作品,于1999年7月30日放送。
8.0 阿拉伯语,英语 · 2012 · 巴勒斯坦,约旦,希腊,阿联酋 · 剧情片
Mahmoud Asfa,Ruba Blal,萨莱·巴克里,Anas Algaralleh,Ali Elayan,Ruba Shamshoum,Ahmad Srour,Firas W. Taybeh,Husam Abed,Fadia Abu Ayash,Rafa' Abu Ayash,Ammar Abu Shawish,Mahmoud Al Hayek,Bashar Al Khallaylleh,
6.0 法语 · 2023 · 法国 · 喜剧片
Janus is a young high school student who dreams of leaving his native countryside ravaged by isolation and alcoholism. His daily life changes when he discovers an artisanal distillery hidden in his grandfather's cellar.