4.0 英语 · 2020 · 美国 · 动作片
雪琳·芬,凯西·莫拉蒂,尼古拉斯·特图罗,布莱恩·奥哈罗兰,蕾切尔·亨德里克斯,劳伦斯·希尔顿-雅各布斯,艾伦·鲍威尔,欧拉·蕾,加里·帕斯托雷,Jaqueline Siegel,Nathan Clarkson,杰米·约翰·韦尔斯,Spencer T. Folmar,Jordan Fitzsimmons,Pat Romano Jr.
A small town community comes together to eradicate the heroin epidemic from its midst by whatever means necessary.
5.0 英语 · 2024 · 美国 · 喜剧片
杰克·布莱克,科甘-迈克尔·凯,布里安娜·豪伊,海耶斯·麦克阿瑟,Post Malone,P·J·伯恩,罗伯特·蒂莫西·史密斯,Greg Clarkson,Gavin Munn,Cate Freedman,Kai Cech,Ka'zion Wilson,Jaden Carson Baker,塞拉·金布罗·琼斯,Bryson Haney,Maiya Moran,Jonathan Kase Benne
A young girl's letter to Santa contains a typo that redirects it from the North Pole to Hell.
3.0 英语 · 2024 · 美国 · 喜剧片
杰克·布莱克,科甘-迈克尔·凯,布里安娜·豪伊,海耶斯·麦克阿瑟,Post Malone,P·J·伯恩,罗伯特·蒂莫西·史密斯,Greg Clarkson,Gavin Munn,Cate Freedman,Kai Cech,Ka'zion Wilson,Jaden Carson Baker,塞拉·金布罗·琼斯,Bryson Haney,Maiya Moran,Jonathan K
A young girl's letter to Santa contains a typo that redirects it from the North Pole to Hell.
5.0 英语 · 1999 · 其它 · 爱情片
Sarah Michelle Gellar,Sean Patrick Flanery,Patricia Clarkson
母亲去世之后,阿曼达(莎拉•米歇尔•盖拉 Sarah Michelle Gellar 饰)继承了母亲生前精心经营的餐馆。然而没过多久,阿曼达便发现,从前门庭若市的餐馆,如今生意一天不如一天,甚至濒临了倒闭的边缘。 一次偶然中,阿曼达邂逅了名为汤姆(肖恩•派特里克•弗兰纳里 Sean Patrick Flanery)的男子。之后,汤姆在机缘巧合之下来到了阿曼达的餐厅吃饭,让阿曼达感到不敢相信的是,汤姆的存在令自己的厨艺大增,餐厅就此度过了这次经营危机。随着时间的推移,阿曼达和汤姆之间的距离越来越近,然而,汤姆对于阿曼达产生的种种误会使得后者感到深深的受伤,两人之间的感情产生了裂痕。
4.0 英语 · 2018 · 美国 · 剧情片
Nathan Clarkson,Jessica Koloian,Michael Johnson,Dave Payton,Matt Moore,Amy Sutherland,Cami Jenkins,毕肖普·史蒂文,Jay J. Bidwell,Karen Johnson,Michelle L. King,Cole Brandenberger,George A. Johnson,Owen Johns
A hotshot young author becomes the pastor of a small town church with big dreams of changing the world. When the elders express that his quiet new neighbor is a lost cause, he makes it his personal mission to prove them wrong by getting him inside the church doors. However, when he begins to suspect that this stranger may be a threat to his family's safety, he is forced to decide how far he will go to reach the lost.