6.0 英语 · 2000 · 美国 · 喜剧片
马克·韦伯,泽娜·格雷,埃曼纽尔·施莱琪,克里斯·艾略特,珍·斯马特,伊基·波普,帕姆·格里尔,约翰·施奈德,切维·切斯,乔希·佩克,贾德·约克,Damian Young,Connor Matheus,J. Adam Brown,大卫·佩特考,凯瑟琳·伊莎贝尔,卡莉·波普,斯科勒·费斯科
没有什么时候比下雪天更酷的了,它又好象是什么人给你的最好的生日礼物,尽管此时并不是你的生日。下雪天就意味着不用上学,没有了约束和无穷无尽的乐趣。 对于哈尔和纳塔列.布郎德斯通来说,下雪天里什么事情都可能发生。哈尔15岁了,在这个雪天,他决定向他的的梦中情人,高中生克莱尔.伯纳宣布他对她的爱慕之情,哪怕她可能根本没有在意过他的存在,哪怕他要面对她的那个准男朋友-库克.维勒的竞争。下雪天充满魔力,在哈尔的伙伴比尔和拉尼的支持下,这一天注定将要永远改变他一生的命运。而此时他10岁的妹妹也正在酝酿着她的一个计划…… 当太阳升起在这壮丽的雪天时,哈尔是否将与克莱尔拥抱在一起呢,这是在情人节到来之际,献给你的一部最酷的喜剧片。
7.0 英语 · 2020 · 美国 · 恐怖片
丝柯·泰勒-考普顿,泰勒·梅恩,约翰·施奈德,丹尼尔·洛巴克,特洛伊·布伦纳,Dallas Page,Travis Love,威廉·托卡斯基,Sailor Larocque,布克尔·霍夫曼,Renae Geerlings,April Bogenschutz,Michael Leavy,Tom Culler,Josh Mueller,Anderson Martin
A hardened criminal fresh out of the joint takes a job as a handyman in a dilapidated house; but the twisted horrors he finds inside are enough to send anyone running. So why does he stay? And why are so many people drawn to Penance Lane?
5.0 英语 · 2019 · 美国 · 剧情片
约翰·施奈德,Luke Benjamin Bernard,马修·法黑,莫里·格雷,泰伦·伍德利,杰夫·哈迪,Uriah Hall,Amye Gousset,Michelle Feliciano,罗比·斯塔尔,Kathleen Halbert
Benjamin Bernard has lived his life in the shadow of his brother. Torn between jealousy and loyalty, Benjamin takes out his aggression as a mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter. After an event nearly shatters the life of his brother, Benjamin must face his overwhelming feelings of anger and resentment as he discovers the truth about his family. As one brother fights for his life, the other must fight for reconciliation and redemption inside and outside the cage. This family film explores love, forgiveness, loss, healed relationship and, ultimately, the realization that we are all God's Favorite.
6.0 英语 · 2020 · 美国 · 剧情片
丹妮丝·理查兹,约翰·施奈德,Madeleine Byrne,凡妮莎·梅雷尔,劳伦·迈尔斯,Alexandra Boylan,Laurine Price,Jenna Marie Hess,Nicole Weider,Miya Horcher,Daniel Chioco,Summer Morris,Chelsea Crockett,Suzanne Crum,Caleb Spellman
Tired of being bullied, Cassandra Evans prays that her nemesis, Katie Sharp, the queen bee of social media, would know what it's like to walk a day in her shoes. Her prayer is answered in an unexpected way when they get "Switched."
6.0 英语 · 2009 · 美国 · 喜剧片
桑迪(Catherine Zeta Jones 凯瑟琳?泽塔?琼斯 饰)是一位全职主妇,她每天细心照料着一儿一女,是丈夫的贤内助。然而,在为儿子寻找生日派对视频时,她无意中发现了丈夫偷情的证据,这残酷的现实让她崩溃。她义无反顾地离婚,并带孩子来到纽约,一边租房子,一边求职。在租房时,她遇到了一个年轻的房东弗兰克(杰克?切瑞 Jake Cherry 饰)。后者是在咖啡馆打工的伙计,也刚刚离婚,并面试成功某妇女中心的工作。在一次主动防御课上,两人再度邂逅,他是全副武装的陪练,而她则是受训的学员。当导师劝诱下,她进入了状态,把对丈夫满腔怒火发泄到他身上。在那一刻,他也突然理解了这个房客的苦衷,两人情感升温。在桑迪的力邀下,弗兰克成为了她孩子的保姆,两人也在接触中逐渐碰撞出了火花……
8.0 · 2018 · 美国 · 欧美综艺
Season 27 opens with thirteen contestants from the worlds of entertainment, sports and social media, variously m.77mi.cc performing the cha cha, foxtrot, jive, salsa and quickstep.