2.0 其它 · 2022 · 印度 · 美剧
拉纳·达格巴提,文卡泰什·达格巴提,苏莉温.查瓦拉,阿希瑟·维德亚迪,苏奇拉·皮莱-马利克,阿施文·穆施拉恩,Rajesh Jais,Zessica Harison,Sushant Singh,Gaurav Chopra,Saurav Khurana,Abhishek Bhalerao
The real-life uncle and nephew duo pair up in reel-life to showcase the lives of Mumbai’s go-to fixers that take care of the dirty problems celebrities have.
3.0 英语 · 2012 · 其它 · 动作片
赫里尼克·罗斯汉,佩丽冉卡·曹帕拉,桑杰·达特 Sanjay Dutt,欧姆·普瑞,里希·卡普尔,Rajesh Tandon,卡特莉娜·卡芙
故事发生在印度一个名为曼德瓦的小村庄里,维杰(赫里尼克·罗斯汉 Hrithik Roshan 饰)的父亲当了一辈子老师,为人忠厚善良,然而,这样一个好好先生却被当地最凶残最邪恶的毒贩坎查(桑杰·达特 Sanjay Dutt 饰)栽赃陷害。愤怒的村民们丧失了理智,他们当着维杰和他母亲的面,将维杰的父亲吊死了。 就这样,维杰的人生彻底被改变了。他和母亲离开了曼德瓦,来到了孟买,开始了新的生活。愤怒的种子已经种下,维杰加入了孟买当地势力最庞大的黑帮,无所不用其极,踏着无数的尸体和鲜血一步一步向上攀爬。一转眼十五年过去,维杰已经成为了最冷酷无情的杀手,他回到了曼德瓦,准备实施自己的复仇大计。
4.0 其它 · 2004 · 印度 · 剧情片
沙鲁克·汗,Gayatri Joshi,Kishori Balal,Smith Seth,Lekh Tandon,Rajesh Vivek,Daya Shankar Pandey,Farrukh Jaffar,Vishnudutt Gaur,Raja Awasthi,Vishwa S. Badola,Bhim Vakani,Rajesh Balwani,Bachan Pachehra,Rahul
马汉(沙鲁克·罕 Shahrukh Khan 饰)是一名工作和生活在美国的印度人。常年过着和家人分离的生活,马汉感到十分寂寞,非常想念在故乡生活的乳母。某日,他决定踏上返乡的旅途,然而到达目的地后才发现物是人非,他的乳母早已经前往了一个名叫“脚印之地”的村庄。于是,马汉再度上路。 途中,马汉邂逅了名为吉特(Gayatri Joshi 饰)的美丽印度女孩,两人坠入了情网。马汉想将吉特带往美国,可是吉特的家人却坚持两人必须在当地完成婚礼的仪式。就这样,马汉在吉特的故乡住了下来,在和当地人朝夕相处之后,马汉才发现这个看似恬静的村庄,其实暗藏着许多隐患和风波。
2.0 其它 · 1991 · 其它 · 喜剧片
苏尼尔·达特,卡伯·贝迪,萨尔曼·汗,古山·格罗维,Ayesha Jhulka,Rohini Hattangadi,Goga Kapoor,Bharat Kapoor,Kunika,Rajesh Puri,Subbiraj,Sunil Dhawan,Ramesh Goyal,Kamaldeep,Ranjeet
aan Singh and Prithvi Singh's families have been locked in a property dispute in a Court in India. When the Court gives a verdict in favor of Prithvi, Maan hires a bandit, Panna Singh, to kill Prithvi and all of his family. Panna only partially succeeds, and retreats badly wounded to a dense forest to escape Prithvi's wrath. But the harm has been done, Prithvi has lost his sister and other family to this vicious assault, and has vowed to avenge this by killing Maan's family, and he does so with partial success, thus incurring the wrath of Maan's Police Inspector brother, Suraj Singh. Prithvi then goes into hiding and is now called Daku Prithvi Singh. The only survivors from his family are his daughter, Chandra, his aunt, and her son, Himmat, while Suraj Singh lives with his son, Akash. Years later, an educated Akash meets with an uneducated Chandra and both fall in love with each. When their respective fathers' find out, they are told not to see each other again and their marriages' ...