简介: The film follows Special forces veteran Lee Gunner as he takes his two boys on a camping trip, where the boys stumble upon a fentanyl lab and are kidnapped by drug runners. Unfortunately for the drug runners, Lee will stop at nothing to get his boys back safely, going up against not only the criminal cartel, but the FBI and local police as well, using the full force of his deadly abilities to reunite his family.
The film follows Special forces veteran Lee Gunner as he takes his two boys on a camping trip, where the boys stumble upon a fentanyl lab and are kidnapped by drug runners. Unfortunately for the drug runners, Lee will stop at nothing to get his boys back safely, going up against not only the criminal cartel, but the FBI and local police as well, using the full force of his deadly abilities to reunite his family.展开
4.0莎莉·柯克兰德,娜塔莎·阿兰姆,埃里克·罗伯茨,阿列克谢·谢列布里亚科夫,弗拉基米尔·高斯特尤金,Igor Savochkin,Evgeny Shmarlovskiy,Ruslan Chernetskiy,Olesya Grybok,Koby Azarly,Monte Rex Perlin,Anthony De Longis,Oleg Veber,Gray Michael Sallies,Zed