简介: This popular animated television cartoon featured two Stone Age families, the Flintstones and their neighbors, the Rubbles. Much of the humor was based on its comic portrayals of modern conveniences, reinterpreted using Stone Age 'technology.' Most notably were their cars, complete with absence of floorboards to allow them to be 'foot-powered.'
This popular animated television cartoon featured two Stone Age families, the Flintstones and their neighbors, the Rubbles. Much of the humor was based on its comic portrayals of modern conveniences, reinterpreted using Stone Age 'technology.' Most notably were their cars, complete with absence of floorboards to allow them to be 'foot-powered.'展开
4.0贵美子·格伦,Michael Croner,劳伦·阿什,Nichole Sakura,瑞斯·达比,加里·安东尼·威廉斯,汤姆·肯尼,瑞切尔·豪斯,凯特·弗兰纳里,尤金·科德罗,维拉.洛弗尔,凯蒂·克朗,史蒂夫·李特,玛丽·麦克,艾瑞克·鲍扎,詹姆斯·门罗·伊格尔哈特,肯特·奥斯博内,迪迪·马格诺,Josh Johnson